Proposals for the study and characterization of small agricultural producers in the puna of Jujuy (Argentina)


  • Liliana Bergesio
  • Laura Golovanevsky
  • Natividad González


Peasants, Small producers, Jujuy ́s puna


This article focuses on the analysis of small producers in Jujuy ́s puna (northwestern of Argentina), firstly to think about the complexity of its study, both because of the ambivalence of its conceptualization and the lack of pertinent information, and in the second place to propose actions aimed to overcome this limitations. With this objective the notion of small producers is discussed in the first place, to advance in the building of a definition of small agricultural and livestock producers in the context of Jujuy ́s puna. Secondly, based on this definition, the
secondary fonts to which turn to for its characterization and description will be observed, emphasizing their scopes and limitations. Thirdly, based on the previous analysis, a conceptual and methodological proposal is set out to aim at the study of small agricultural and livestock
producers in the case of Jujuy ́s puna, tending to overcome the deficits previously identified.


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How to Cite

Bergesio, L., Golovanevsky, L., & González, N. (2017). Proposals for the study and characterization of small agricultural producers in the puna of Jujuy (Argentina). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(1), 13–28. Retrieved from