(Un) conventional experiences in perforated territories. Located and sensitive record of the effects produced by neo-extractivism in Allen, Río Negro

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Gabriela Correa
Fara Macsad


The extraction of unconventional hydrocarbons reaches the Alto Valle de Río Negro, within the framework of the Vaca Muerta megaproject, constituting the town of Allen a paradigmatic case of the extractivist offensive on productive territories.
Faced with an extractivist regime that does not rest and attacks all life in the sphere of capital valorization, we underline the need to problematize, question, repudiate the devices of eco-biopolitical expropriation typical of fossil energy extraction methods and their contradictory relationship with conditions necessary for the habitability of the territory. We approach the effects of the neo-extractivist from the perspective of situated and sensitive experiences, as ‘discursive and non-discursive vital dispositions’ a non-hegemonic approach that repositions women as subjectivities that perceive and register in their experiences the impacts of ‘multiple spoils’ and produce strategies in eco-interdependence for the sustainability of life.

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How to Cite
Correa, G., & Macsad, F. (2023). (Un) conventional experiences in perforated territories. Located and sensitive record of the effects produced by neo-extractivism in Allen, Río Negro. (En)clave Comahue. Revista Patagónica De Estudios Sociales, 29(28 Dossier). Retrieved from
Dossier Extractivismo y territorios en disputa: aportes para pensar configuraci
Author Biographies

Gabriela Correa, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


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Fara Macsad, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


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