Topics to rethink the territory and society-nature relations from "Nuestra America"

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Carlos Pescader


The neoliberal economic policies deployed in Latin American cartography in recent decades have promoted an impressive territorial reconfiguration. Under the model of accumulation by dispossession, the extractivist offensive has radically affected living conditions, work organization, allocation of territories, as well as the constitution of subjectivities, particularly in some sectors of the peasant-native population. In a context of over-exploitation and looting, socio-environmental and territorial conflicts have increased. From the experience of such struggles, a dense, conceptual context of critical and propositional considerations has emerged that allows us to imagine other ways of configuring territories and society-nature relationships. In this paper, some of these theoretical contributions are presented and analyzed, particularly in relation to common goods, environmental justice and “buen vivir”.

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How to Cite
Pescader, C. (2023). Topics to rethink the territory and society-nature relations from "Nuestra America". (En)clave Comahue. Revista Patagónica De Estudios Sociales, 29(28 Dossier). Retrieved from
Dossier Extractivismo y territorios en disputa: aportes para pensar configuraci
Author Biography

Carlos Pescader, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Jurídicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa y Universidad Nacional del Comahue


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