Una aproximación al concepto de prácticas preprofesionales en Psicopedagogía


  • Verónica Noemí Cuevas Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • María Guadalupe Franchino Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Vanesa Ayelén Hormazabal Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Romina Daniela Viveros Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Training, Learning, Pedagogical practice, Conceptualization, Profession


This writing arises from the Learning and Educational Practices Research Program; Experiences, transmission and mediations (04/V120), specifically from the Research Project (04/V120-1) Learning experiences, tours and psycho-pedagogical interventions in training, at the South Atlantic Zone Regional University Complex (CURZAS) of the National University from Comahue, Argentina. The project is underway and aims to build knowledge about learning experiences, paths and psycho-pedagogical interventions in pre-professional training practices. We will present an approach to the state of the art on the concept of pre-professional training practices. It is necessary to highlight that the production on this topic in the field of psychopedagogy is scarce, which makes it a vacant area and an immediate need to continue the process of theoretical production. Likewise, the bibliographic search begins on the existing productions of related professions, such as psychology, social work, among others. This journey begins with the contributions of Latin American Universities and continues with an approach to national and local productions, to make some reflections on the concept of pre-professional practices in the field of Psychopedagogy. It concludes by incorporating contributions from speeches from advanced students of the Bachelor's and Professor's degree in Psychopedagogy, to approach the subjective particularities involved in their conception of practices, in order to state new questions that allow us to reformulate the theoretical approaches that They support them, starting a systematization process that links action and constant reflection, which will be reflected in future writings.


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How to Cite

Cuevas, V. N., Franchino, M. G., Hormazabal, V. A., & Viveros, R. D. (2024). Una aproximación al concepto de prácticas preprofesionales en Psicopedagogía. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 21(2), 1–20. Retrieved from

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