
  • Mario Carlos Zerbino Universidad de Buenos Aires


Education, Poverty, School violence, School failure, Segregation, Subjectivity, Biopolitics


In this article some daily and naturalized ideas about poverty, education and school violence are put in discussion, ideas which are commonly associated to each other without the foundations of that association clearly specified. The transformations in the subjectivity, along with the new segregating processes and the increasing levels of violence and failure that take place at schools, need a discussion about their foundations that can go beyond good intentions and the declarations of principles. We live in times of altered transits and to get through the discussions caused by both the books and the film City of God, by San Agustín  one and Paulo Lins the other, can be a way to come closer to understanding the magnitude and characteristics of those alterations.


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How to Cite

Zerbino, M. C. . (2007). ALTERED TRANSITS. A TRIP TO THE CITY OF GOD. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 4(1), 1–25. Retrieved from

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