
  • Teresa Iuri Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


socialization, teachers, beginner teachers, parallel teachers


This work is part of one of the chapters of the Thesis Master’s: “The professional socialization of primary education beginner teachers in the city of Viedma”. In this investigation the beginner teacher was looked at from two angles: 1) To establish the characteristics of beginner teachers in Viedma as well as carry out comparisons with national and provincial data. 2) To understand the professional socialization as is perceived by the teachers themselves. In this latter case, the beginner teachers were interviewed so that they could explain the way they perceive themselves, their points of view and fears; their interpretations of their own work and what they actually do in the pursuit of permanent professional training. This work presents the results obtained in relation to socializing agents, especially “the parallel teacher”. Finally, there is a proposal to rethink the relation of “parallel teachers” as a valid strategy for the teachers permanent professional training in their workplace.


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How to Cite

Iuri, T. (2023). THE “PARALLEL TEACHER” AS SOCIALIZING AGENT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION TEACHERS. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from

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