The imaginative processes of adolescents and ICT: interdisciplinary reflections from Psychopedagogy and Social Communication


  • Eliana Neme Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero
  • Cristina Verónica Yapura Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero; UBA
  • Elisa Fernanda Conde Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero
  • Marcela Alejandra Morante Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero
  • Micaela Soledad Malano Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero
  • José Ignacio Sosa Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero


Imaginative processes, Adolescents, Clinical setting, School setting, ITC.


Immersed in a world where information and communication technologies are present in almost all subjective processes, it is necessary to investigate the way in which they are present in the lives of adolescents, configuring unique ways of producing symbolically. From this premise, the team of professionals belonging to the Psychopedagogical Attention Service, of the Faculty of Health Sciences -UCSE- began in 2017 an investigation entitled: “The imaginative processes of pubescent and adolescents in a situation of social vulnerability in Santiago del Estero from the use of information and communication technologies: interdisciplinary contributions from the clinical and school levels”, approved by the Secretariat of Science and Technology (SeCyT) of said University. The main objective of the proposal was to analyze the imaginative processes of adolescents with and without restrictions in school learning by investigating the use of information and communication technologies, specifically mobile telephony, both in the clinical setting and in the scholar. It was approached from an interdisciplinary perspective, articulating interventions by professionals in Psychopedagogy and Social Communication, theoretically oriented by contemporary psychoanalysis. In the present work, some considerations that were significant after the investigative process will be presented, allowing understanding of the imaginative processes of the adolescents that were unfolding both in the clinical treatment sessions and in a workshop carried out in a secondary school.


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How to Cite

Neme, E., Yapura, C. V., Conde, E. F., Morante, M. A., Malano, M. S., & Sosa, J. I. (2020). The imaginative processes of adolescents and ICT: interdisciplinary reflections from Psychopedagogy and Social Communication. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 17(1), 49–60. Retrieved from

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