Contribution of psycholinguistics to the psychopedagogical training


  • Marta Silvia Ruiz Departamento de Pedagogía - Universidad Argentina “John F. Kennedy”


Psychopedagogic role, Psycholinguistics, Psychopedagogic practices.


The Psychopedagogy emerged in our country as a career to train professionals in educational fields to intervene in problematic school learning situations. The field of the discipline was not defined, theoretical frameworks were taken from Genetics psychology or psychoanalysis and we tried to intervene in accordance with the requirements of the problems. We had to reflect on educational psychopedagogy practices and research to gain more significance and soundness. The professional role was changing and other job opportunities were possible. The experience allowed curricular changes and Psycholinguistics was included in the schedule. This discipline studies the relationships between the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic levels of the language and the psychogenesis of its acquisition. It also allows to understand the cognitive processes of information processing and to relate the evolution of the structural and functional aspects of mother tongue from the pre-linguistic communication, the literacy process to the production of texts. It is an aim of the psychopedagogic curriculum to know the processes by which a subject conceptualizes the world, develops the intersubjectivity, and gradually builds up the language functions, its rules and has access to metalinguistic knowledge.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, M. S. (2020). Contribution of psycholinguistics to the psychopedagogical training. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 9(1), 1–7. Retrieved from

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