About the theory and practice of psychopedagogy: theories of edges, practices among many


  • María Alejandra Ferrero Escuela de Enseñanza Media No. 331 “Almirante Guillermo Brown” - Santa Fe


Disciplinary borders, Thirdness, Practice, Transmission.


At first, this paper seeks to locate in the origins of Psychopedagogy, strong traces which enable the opportunity as a discipline for consultation against the avatars that cause the encounter-clash with others in current educational institutions. Then, it articulates the theoretical framework which becomes the base for the unique psychopedagogic practice developed in public high schools. The theoretical frameworks formed by the edges of various disciplines, two among them are: Social Pedagogy, Psychoanalysis. It tries to place the psychopedagogy in the school framework, along with other disciplines, the ethical and political challenge which represents the spread of cultural heritage. It links the pschycopedagogic practice to the promotion of symbolizing strength. It develops a proposal with respect to the responsibility in the positioning of the professionals involved. It means that education is responsible for limiting the discomfort through cultural transmission. In this sense it places the Psychopedagogy as an auxiliary tool in the educational field. It makes a short cut in practice situations that articulates with the theoretical framework mentioned.

At first, this paper seeks to locate in the origins of Psychopedagogy, strong traces which enable the opportunity as a discipline for consultation against the avatars that cause the encounter-clash with others in current educational institutions. Then, it articulates the theoretical framework which becomes the base for the unique psychopedagogic practice developed in public high schools. The theoretical frameworks formed by the edges of various disciplines, two among them are: Social Pedagogy, Psychoanalysis. It tries to place the psychopedagogy in the school framework, along with other disciplines, the ethical and political challenge which represents the spread of cultural heritage. It links the pschycopedagogic practice to the promotion of symbolizing strength. It develops a proposal with respect to the responsibility in the positioning of the professionals involved. It means that education is responsible for limiting the discomfort through cultural transmission. In this sense it places the Psychopedagogy as an auxiliary tool in the educational field. It makes a short cut in practice situations that articulates with the theoretical framework mentioned.


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How to Cite

Ferrero, M. A. (2020). About the theory and practice of psychopedagogy: theories of edges, practices among many. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 9(1), 1–9. Retrieved from

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