Learning and its conditions: a singular relationship in university professors


  • María Inés Barilá CURZA – Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Verónica Cuevas CURZA – Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Young, Adults, Modes of relations, Generations, Educational inclusion


This paper focuses on one of the objectives of research Young and adult. Different ways of transiting and signifying educational experiences at the middle level, within the framework of the Research Program Educational practices. Approach from the experiences and meanings of young people and adults, developed at Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, aimed at analyzing the experiences and meanings of young people and adults regarding the generational relationships that make possible the educational. From a qualitative methodological perspective that allows study subjects and groups in context, considering both their actions and their views, interpretations and meanings in relation to the actions themselves, interviews were conducted and, further analysis, we note that sharing the same age does not ensure the same behaviors, interests and attitudes into the classroom. Watching young people in school from a generational perspective allows us to understand the particularities of the relationships in which they are immersed, as well as the context in which these interactions take place. This paper presents some of the modalities of relationships established between young students and adults in the middle school at night, relationships based on the assimilation of experiences; Relationships of trust; Relations of mutual cooperation and/or conflict relations.


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How to Cite

Barilá, M. I., & Cuevas, V. (2017). Learning and its conditions: a singular relationship in university professors. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 14(1), 11–23. Retrieved from

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