Carson Mc Cullers and her poetics of space


  • Nicolás Atilio Falleti Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Spaces, Representation, Technique, Poetics


Carson Mc Cullers' rigorous writing reveals in his tales a particular poetics of spaces, due, on the one hand, to the technique she uses in his depiction, and on the other, to the link that it establishes between these spaces and intimacy and solitude. The specific technique is configured through indirect reference: the author represents spaces through the actions, thoughts or feelings of the characters. Thus, it could be said that this is a sinuous spatial representation parallel to the plot. Also uses precise elements with significant dissemination capacity, which hierarchize the function of the reader as a resonance and emotion box of spatial representation. As for the places, in interdependence with the author’s constitutive themes such as solitude and intimacy, the study records the development of the plot and the emergence of the character’s interiority in a kind of continuum between them and their environment. That is, there’s an architectural display of intimate scenes, where the expansion of the inner and subjective world finds a favorable zone to account for the spaces surrounding the characters.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Atilio Falleti, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Es estudiante de los últimos años de la Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


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How to Cite

Falleti, N. A. (2024). Carson Mc Cullers and her poetics of space. Language and Literature Magazine, (42), 154–167. Retrieved from