Swann in Love and The Kreutzer Sonata: creation and unproductiveness
Tolstoi, Proust, Jealously, Imagination, UnproductivityAbstract
We can understand)that what gives life and meaning to the space of jealousy is the figure of the jealouspersonand the dialogue withhimself, as it is pointed out by Monneyron inL'écriture de la jalousie(1997) in reference to Daniel Lagache, «le monde de la jalousie est le monde personnel du jaloux» (14)[the world of jealousy is the personal world of the jealous person]ßesto no estaba en el abstract, sí en el resumen. From acomparative readingofSwann in Love(1913) by Proust andThe Kreutzer Sonata(written between 1887 and 1889) by Tolstoi,we are interested in exploring)the course of the imagination as acreator of scenes and feelings, and therefore, of the jealousy itself,inthe characters of Swann and Pozdnyshev. This process results in an empty conclusion as the truth that is enclosed in both character’s fictional storiesnever leavesthisplane:adultery isnotproven.Inthis paperwe will begin with a contextual overview of the origin of the figure of the jealous person in both works. Within the following sections we will establish links betweenunproductivityand the imaginative andthuscreative constructions of the jealous person: in the first instance, from the creation of relationships between the desired women and other people and, secondly, from thebeloved idealization (en este caso, traduje literalmente lo que está en el resumen:"la idealización amada", aunque tal vez allí el autor quiso decir "la idealización de la amada", no lo sé...), as another inventive process of the jealousperson. Finally, we Will go over/examinetherelationship between music, an important element for the characters, andunproductivity.
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