Approaches to the Concept of Style in John Ruskin's Aesthetic Theory
Style, Imitation, Truth, FormAbstract
In this paper we propose to address some aspects of Ruskin's conception of style. Although Ruskin does not systematise its meaning and "style" acquires numerous -often contradictory-nuances throughout his work, tracing its particularities contributes to abetter understanding of the English writer's aesthetic proposal. We will focus mainly on certain passages in Modern Paintersand establish a dialogue between the condemnation of human subjectivism in artistic creation -which, with its pride and weakness, can claim to be a demiurge -and the need to establish a form to prevent the aesthetic object from being confused with nature. These two poles will lead us to consider the ideas of imitation and truth that Ruskin contrasts with his concept of the "picturesque", understood as "parasitic sublimity". The notion of style will emerge from an interrelational understanding between these vertices.
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