talo Calvinomise en abîme: “E io, chi ero?”


  • Mariana Ethel Esteban


Essay, Identification, Self-figurational moment, Calvino


In Italo Calvino's work, both in his clearly autobiographical texts and in his fictional ones, a tendency towards self-representation can be observed. But, in addition, the author ofPalomarextendsthis practice to a third type of writing, which is the essay. We believe that he appeals to this last genre to sustain and build his own image as a writer, through the opinion he displays on other authors, who would function as amise en abîmeof his own image. To develop the conjecture raised above, we build the category of 'self-figurational moment' or‘moment of self-figuration’, which is an adaptation and synthesis of the concepts of Paul de Man and José Amícola. The non-fictional writings cover a period from 1955 to 1960, a critical moment for Calvino as far as his own image as a writer is concerned. We will work with a corpus of essays that are notably representative of that period: “La espina dorsal” (1955), written at a timeof crisis as a writer although successful in his work as critic and editor of Einaudi; "Pavese ser y hacer" from 1960, given the key importance that this author had in his formation: and finally we will analyze"El mar de la objetividad", from that same year,which isan essay that preludes his Frenchperiodand where he accentuates his interest in the rational


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Author Biography

Mariana Ethel Esteban

Profesora en Letras por la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Actualmente alumna de la Licenciatura en Letras en la UNC. Ha publicado la novela Abriendo la puerta (2001, edición de autor) y escrito la novela inédita La cuadratura del Cisne (1998).


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How to Cite

Esteban, M. E. . (2022). talo Calvinomise en abîme: “E io, chi ero?”. Language and Literature Magazine, (40), 21–34. Retrieved from

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