Kierkegaard y el desarrollo de sus obras pseudónimas (1844- 1845). Vida, pensamiento y autenticidad

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Alberto Navarro


The objectives of this work are to describe how Kierkegaard uses Socrates to introduce the notion of <<absolute paradox>> in Philosophical Fragments. Summarize Kierkegaard's use of Socrates in his understanding of sin in The Concept of Anxiety. Define "appropriation" and "closed reserve" in Kierkegaardian terms. Soren Kierkegaard's dispute with Johan Ludvig Heiberg and his relationship with Socrates. Detail Kierkegaard's Socratic strategy in Stages on Life's Path. It traces the significance of Kierkegaard's  conflict with The Corsair. It summarizes Kierkegaard's parallel authorship in his pseudonymous and signed works. Compare the parallel authorship of Kierkegaard with the authorship of his Diaries and Notebooks by explaining how Kierkegaard uses Socrates to help define Christianity as a religion of interiority and subjective passion.


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Navarro, A. (2023). Kierkegaard y el desarrollo de sus obras pseudónimas (1844- 1845). Vida, pensamiento y autenticidad. Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista De Filosofía, Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (12), 57–84. Retrieved from


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