Trascorporality and metacorporality. Dawn of a microethics from intimacy

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Carlos David Garicía Mancilla


The words Transcorporality and Metacorporality are used to indicate the  objects or persons with whom there ir an emotionaly relevant relation  the former or from whom there is gain of pleasure or joy. The consideration of these two forms of relations through the body is due to the theory of corporality from several modern philosophies as well as
the intimacy that these relations suppose. The former is a relation in which the fate of the other is personaly important and is similar to the concept of empathy. The second is a specific interpretation of utility. None of these relations is ethically irrelevant. From the second is concluded one posible concept of evil, while from the first one a principle
of compassion.


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How to Cite
Garicía Mancilla, C. D. (2018). Trascorporality and metacorporality. Dawn of a microethics from intimacy. Horizontes Filosóficos : Revista De Filosofía, Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (7), 21–32. Retrieved from


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