The de-rhetorized rhetoric of the clinical Encounter. Contributions to the hermeneutic- Narrative horizon in health



Text, Clinical encounter, Hermeneutics, Narrative, Rhetoric


In response to an increasingly specialized, technologized and scientificist clinical practice, medicine and bioethics seek to restore the protagonism of the patient's experience. To this end, an increasing number of sectors within medicine and bioethics are adopting a theoretical framework from the hermeneutic tradition or the narrative turn. Physiological symptoms and laboratory results are no longer interpreted alone: by incorporating the patient's voice, the aim is to consider the patient as a whole, as a text to be understood. However, the heterogeneous reception of these perspectives hinders the feedback between theories. Those that emphasize the narrative aspect reveal an underlying dualism between the body and the patient, the technical and interlocutive capacities of professionals, and the scientific and the narratable, and those that emphasize the hermeneutic aspect have inconveniences when it comes to arguing for the application of theory to life. In this paper, it is argued that the rhetorical dimension needs to be incorporated into the hermeneutic-narrative theoretical horizon in medicine and bioethics. It is hoped that this paper will constitute a contribution to the “unsaid” in the definitions that health specialists use of narrative, hermeneutics and, of course, text.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Somers, Instituto de Filosofía “Alejandro Korn”, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET

MARIA EUGENIA SOMERS es Profesora en Enseñanza Media y Superior en Filosofía y doctoranda en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es becaria doctoral del CONICET. Es Profesora Adjunta de Ética Profesional en Arquitectura en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella y Ayudante de primera en Introducción al Pensamiento Filosófico en Trabajo Social en la Universidad Nacional de Moreno. Es investigadora en formación del proyecto UBACyT (Programación 2023-2025): Ars trópica: ficción, situación retórica y política de la narrativa y participa del seminario permanente de formación Grupo Ars Trópica, ambos dirigidos por el Dr. Nicolás Lavagnino. El objetivo general de su investigación doctoral es articular los aportes de la tradición hermenéutica y del narrativismo en la “Nueva Filosofía de la Historia” como insumos para aplicar al ámbito práctico de la medicina y la bioética. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Somers, M. E. (2024). The de-rhetorized rhetoric of the clinical Encounter. Contributions to the hermeneutic- Narrative horizon in health. Páginas De Filosofía, 25(28), 57–81. Retrieved from





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