Social and solidarity economy in northern patagonia: Experiences, knowledge and practices. Stories and reflections


  • Graciela Landriscini Facultad de Economía y Administración - Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


Social and Solidarity Economy, Cooperation, Self management, Public policy


This paper presents some experiences of social and solidarity economy developed and developing countries in the provinces de Río Negro and Neuquén. They allow for remarks on central questions
of individual self-management and associated organizational challenges, the incidence of institutional partner and productive environment, and the role of public policy and government
management. The analysis of the experiences selected cases involving individual and associated productive entrepreneurs, emerging over time as a result of their own initiatives or public policies promoted, and from the actions of various social organizations profile in stages recent. In the first instance, initiatives are social economy "first generation", created in the early twentieth century in the Río Negro valleys, as cooperatives based on agriculture and services, by european immigrants. And then analyzes experiences social economy "second generation" that emerged in response to the unemployment crisis and the end of the twentieth century, and seeks to promote alternative development forms the dynamics of accumulation based on the profit and private appropriation. In selected cases, have heavy and weigh the cultures and history of the characters and of the environment in which they operate.


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How to Cite

Landriscini, G. (2017). Social and solidarity economy in northern patagonia: Experiences, knowledge and practices. Stories and reflections. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from