Security and citizen participation in viedma. Rio negro


  • Nilda Herrera CURZA – Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


Citizen Participation, Public Security, Empowerment, Preventive Security Council Local, Viedma


The issue of security has worried call all societies since ancient times, acquiring in different historical stages different characteristics. In recent years, in Argentina in general, Río Negro and
Viedma in particular, we are seeing increased levels of insecurity, as is often referred to urban violence in the media and among the leadership politically, either social perception regarding
sustained growth of it. However, observed in several cases that social demands were away from mere complaint declaratory and passive, and managed to articulate –with advances and retreats–
new forms of management that involve the active participation of civil society. One such participatory experiences constitutes the Preventive Security Council Local Viedma, whose promising birth, their difficulties in operation and development, and its subsequent decline (period 2004-2012) will be the subject of analysis in this article.


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How to Cite

Herrera, N. (2017). Security and citizen participation in viedma. Rio negro. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(3), 81–91. Retrieved from